Fact- More
than eight centuries ago, Native Americans inhabited the area around Lake
Jackson, just north of Tallahassee. Lake Jackson is intermittently drained by
sink holes into the porous limestone
that underlays the lake.
This is similar to Payne’s Prairie/ Alachua Lake- also
a site with Native American history. As
these sinkholes collapse or fill with debris, the lake level rises or falls
over time.
The remains of important tribal members have been found at the site,
with a rich array of burial objects including elaborate items such as copper
breast plates, shell beaded necklaces, bracelets, anklets and cloaks still in
place. These exotic artifacts indicate religious and trading ties with other
large, pre-historic Indian ceremonial centers in the southeastern United
States. There is evidence that the Lake Jackson Indians participated in a
southeastern socio-religious complex known to archaeologists as the 'Southern
The Indians believed that a great serpent lived in the lake, and when it
yawned, it swallowed the waters, draining the lake. They were so afraid of the
monster that they built a temple to it on a great mound near its shore. They
sang and danced to keep the monster at rest. When the lake drained, they would
sacrifice an Indian Maiden, and the Lake would slowly come back.
Today the
park encompasses four earthen temple mounds, with two available for viewing by
the public. The largest mound is 278 feet by 312 feet at the base and
approximately 36 feet in height. Lake
Jackson Mounds Archaeological State Park 3600 Indian Mounds Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32303.
drained by a sink, Payne’s Prairie has flooded to become a lake at least once
in recorded history.
Waves of diverse
people settled the area for over 12,000 years, each wave eager to utilize the
lush land to fill their needs. A rich prehistory of Paleo, Cades Pond and
Alachua people were followed by the historic Potano Indians, Spanish
adventurers, Seminole Indians and finally Americans pushing down from the
The wilderness, now called Payne’s Prairie, has always proved an
irresistible lure to the explorer and the adventurer. Hunter/gatherers were
followed by hunter/farmers both Native American and European. They were
followed by cotton farmers, citrus farmers and then cattlemen.
When the sink became plugged, Heavy rains
began to flood the prairie basin in 1871 and by 1873 the marsh was referred to
as Alachua Lake. Steam-powered boats transported cotton, oranges, produce,
lumber and passengers across the lake. A propeller from one of these boats is
on display in the visitor center, next to a death mask of the Seminole Chief Osceola.
Prairie Preserve State Park
is located 10 miles south of Gainesville, in Micanopy, on the east side of US
441. Take exit 374, the Micanopy exit,
and turn east at the end of the exit ramp. You will then be traveling east on
CR 234. Stay on this road 1.4 miles until it intersects with US 441. Turn left
onto 441 and go about 0.6 miles to Payne’s Prairie Preserve State Park (on the